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Mitigating Security Threats

Updated: Aug 1, 2023

Learn more about what puts organizations at risk of ransomware attacks and what to do if your company becomes hacked.

One word that you hear all the time regarding business technology is ransomware. Typically used as an umbrella term for malware, #ransomware is everywhere these days. News is released daily about different organizations getting hacked and the increase in ransomware as a service. But what exactly is ransomware, and how do you know if you’re at risk?

Don't Fall Victim to Poor Security Infrastructure

“Cybersecurity starts with prevention. Be suspicious of unsolicited email offers, and don’t open attachments from people you don’t know. Regularly back up your files to be in a good position in an emergency.”

Ransomware is a specific type of #malware in which the hacker steals and threatens to publish sensitive information unless their ransom gets paid. It’s like a hostage situation, but instead of a person, it’s your data. This situation can be particularly devastating to healthcare and billing industries which must keep in compliance to prevent #PHI or #PCI from being stolen. Some examples of the target’s hackers go for include:

  • Companies with the income to pay large ransoms.

  • Companies with sensitive data.

  • Companies need the proper security infrastructure to avoid such attacks.

Unfortunately, many businesses that fall victim to ransomware and who do pay the ransom often never see that stolen data again, or it gets leaked regardless. On top of losing #data, many companies’ reputations are affected after being hacked because their customers no longer feel their information is safe. It is, unfortunately, an unsecured network that makes #cyberattacks possible, and many organizations need to know the status of their level of threat protection. Additionally, the adoption of collaborative technology has become the norm, making it necessary for organizations, regardless of size, “to upskill data literacy.” All of this in mind is why it will be so important for organizations to have conversations about cybersecurity budgets and their current level of protection.


Case Studies on Ransomware

One of the worst ransomware attacks Galleon had dealt with shut down an entire orthopedic practice for almost a month before calling in our team. The previous #ITprovider failed to ensure the security environment was updated with security patches and antivirus, leaving the practice open to attack. Their vulnerable network, open accounts, and sharing of passwords created the perfect target for hackers. And that is what happened. To prevent them from being forced into paying the ransom, the Galleon team had to rebuild the practice’s entire IT network and environment from scratch to try and reverse the damage. Although it was a stressful month for the clinic, and it took several all-nighters to get them back in operation, Galleon did it and upgraded their hardware simultaneously.

Galleon dealt with a similar ransomware situation that impacted a company’s ability to do billing. Both cases had very similar characteristics. Many businesses fall victim to open networks without security rules, which is precisely what ransomware hackers look for, vulnerable companies. No antivirus coupled with password sharing and no user account control (UAC) on the computers allows hackers to enter your business environment freely and spread like a virus to every device and account. Both IT environments:

  • Had outdated or lacking security tools such as #antivirus, security patches, and firewalls.

  • Poor #passwordmanagement; using the same passwords or password sharing.

  • Employees use open Admin accounts for daily use.

Preventing Security Threats is Possible

"Security isn't something you buy, it's something you do, and it takes talented people to do it right.”

Neglecting your #security can open holes in your business’s armor. It only takes one hacker to bring an entire enterprise to a screeching halt. Hackers can affect businesses’ income and reputation. That is why it is so important for IT providers to place a certain level of importance on the security side of technology. Our team of security experts can help verify what level of protection is currently in place and make sure your business is genuinely secure at an affordable cost.

Want to Secure your Data?

We share information like this because it is critical to the success of businesses to stay educated on the constantly growing and changing security risks. If you or anyone you know needs help identifying security risks or has already been placed at risk, Contact Galleon Virtual Services today.

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